signs god is about to give you a breakthrough
You are learning to rise above false accusations, judgments, blame-shifting, and criticisms from people that dont see you correctly! However, you have probably forgotten something. 1. 1. Many may struggle with anxiety and fear in this life. 1. ** God wants to give you a breakthrough in those areas of your life that the enemy appears to be the strongest. Without the guidance of Gods Word, we are depending on ourselves. (take up your cross daily). This one is very serious. A dream from God comes with a message, an instruction, peace and understanding. And God is confirming through a knowing, prophetic words, dreams, people, and situations that marriage is in your future. Taking your time is important. For instance, you may be insecure and fearful that someone may not like you back, so God could be showing you that person in dreams to lead you into healing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Copyright 2023 Telling Ministries LLC. 2. That is unbiblical. This may translate into a career shift. Five days after surgery and no bowel passed. The back story here is that the Israelites had been in bondage for 400+ years and they were being oppressed by the Egyptians. But God may not let you get married. With this in mind, here are some signs that a breakthrough is imminent: 1. Step 3: Draw near to Him, and discover that He, like the father of the prodigal son, is running toward you with open arms. A breakthrough is when God generates a wave and sends it in your direction, and you ride that wave onto dry ground and a higher level of living in your life. You know that your voice matters and you dont bottle up all your emotions. My heart had stopped on the table(God brought me back). Going with it makes things seem to be easy, smooth and fast. They come back telling the rest of the people that the people who dwell there were strong, that many of the cities were fortified, that it was a land that devoured its inhabitants, that all of the men they saw were of great stature, and that they were like grasshoppers in the face of these types of giants.. In the Greek the word 'fast . In burnout you are ministering purely out of your natural giftings and spiritual anointing without a fresh infilling from the Holy Spirit. Dreams. God showed them exactly what was waiting for them on the other side. Resistance increases. Tell Him you'll do life His way. 2. In our human reasoning this seems like a very encouraging message. So that's what AGW is all about! I can do all thingsthrough him who strengthens me., 4. Intense shaking comes as a sign, showing us that the victory is already at hand in the name of Jesus Christso much so that everyone will only stand astonished at the majesty of God. Your email address will not be published. And this isnot your own doing;it is the gift of God,not a result of works,so that no one may boast.. God may delay you from getting into a relationship. Flunk this kind of a test, and you could completely lose your entire calling in the Lord, just like Adam and Eve managed to do in the Garden of Eden. If you have hid Gods Word in your heart, or memorized Scripture (Psalm 119:11), its like youve got a flash light for every curve in the road and every hazard in the way. 7. The enemy is mad when God gives us something good, so he works to take it away before it reaches our hands. Again, what would have happened in this story of Moses if they would not have waited for God to part that Red Sea? God doesn't try to grow seeds in soil that is not good. Step 2: Resist the evil one, which is a huge battle. God Tells You To Sacrifice Something. In the same way, God may test some of you with this same kind of a sin test. God is speaking to you about marriage. If God Is Removing Harmful People, Places, and Things from Your Life, This Could Be in Preparation for a Breakthrough God doesn't build on uneven ground. He will test your mettle out like they do in the army with all of their recruits. You are seriously starting to ponder, research, and pray more about relationships & marriage. The children of Israel cannot move forward or else they will drown in the Red Sea. Idowu Koyenikan, Wealth for all Africans: How Every African Can Live the Life of Their Dreams. 7. If thats you then thats amazing. God doesnt try to grow seeds in soil that is not good. Waves that will smash walls that have been built up in front of you. You may feel like the waiting for your breakthrough is the problem. How many of us could actually pass such an extreme test today, especially in the type of world we now live in where you would be immediately prosecuted if you even tried to do such a thing. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The main ingredients in a healthy marriage are two imperfect people that are committed to being perfected by God." Shortly after delivering them from the Egyptians, He brought them right up to their Promised Land. If God sees that youre about to hurt yourself, then He might move things around in your life to get you out of that situation, whether its a job or in a relationship. So youre writing out Godly qualities for a spouse so you can trust God for someone that truly shows biblical love. If you do not obey His specific directive, and you choose to follow your own desires on these kinds of issues, then God will not be able to use you in the specific calling that He has set up for your life. Bursts of Energy When I say that a burst of energy or two may be a sign you're experiencing a spiritual breakthrough is when it is sustained for a time and not just when you feel like it. Unlocking Breakthroughs Philippians 4:6-7 There are two types of blessings: 1. You are focused on someone with Godly character, but youre not fixated on the package in comes in. This was a definite pattern of God the Father in both the Old Testament and New Testament of the Bible. Fear's trap #1: If you react by taking matters into your own hands, you're believing lies about God. "At the end, someone or something always gives up. Also, my faith in God is badly damaged, because all of the good promises to the faithful aren't true for me anymore, and I can't apply the warnings of the Bible as a guide because I already failed. And what happens next? Actually, this is part of the devil's plan to keep you from receiving your blessings. Don't let closed doors, delayed blessings or your fruitless effort keep you from all God has for you. September 13,2017 I had a heart attack,couldn't breathe,sweating like crazy. You desire to keep God at the center of your marriage forever. If you stuff and ignore your pain it can destroy your soul and relationships. So here are 3 signs God might be preparing you for a major breakthrough that could be right around the corner. The grace to give is another sign God is about to open a door for you soon. I give You all the praise, for You have done great things in my life. You hear and feel rain drops, but you do not see the rain with your physical eyes. And now all I can see is everything I'm ruining and all of the opportunities I could have had passing me by due to not living out my spiritual calling. This specific test was given to Abraham way back in the beginning of the Bible in the Book of Genesis. I went to a Tony Robbins' Date With Destiny seminar in Australia a couple of years ago and there was a big sign on the wall that read, "You're frustrated? I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. I am a diabetic,and guilty of not following the guidelines of being healthy. And God may let you get married well after your 20s have passed. Pursuing your purpose and shining brightly has become a non negotiable for you. And you are learning to run to God with your pain and not away from him. Adultery, bribery, and the hunger and love for money could all lead to your ruination once you cross over into your true calling in the Lord. And when this test does come your way, it is absolutely imperative that you take this test very, very seriously, as it will determine whether or not God will actually promote and release you into your true calling for Him. My family were amazed, and they praised God for only He could create a job with all duties perfectly align with my skills and interests. You feel an urge to get your life in order. Defeat the fear: One good way to overcome this is to find scriptures that show God handling . A determination to find a GOD fearing wife and a REAL Godly man is required to have a healthy marriage! They were priming me for what was to come. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.". I am trying to come back to him. He will then sit back and watch your reaction to all of it. Stay pliable in His hands and remember His promise: If you are . When the tests were passed, these people then went into the heart of their true calls with the Lord. It is like a wind or current. 2. Then, suddenly, all hell seems to be loosed against you. The enemy knows that if you get a breakthrough that you will break out and break free of the chains of depression, oppression, setbacks, set ups, lack, discouragement, disappointment. Notice what Jesus said inJohn 15:1-5. God's not trying to kill you, he's trying to rebuild you. " While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.". Youre learning to love yourself and you dont need the approval of others. I truly enjoyed that article. I have read the word less and prayed less. God has blessings in store for his people, but one barrier that blocks those blessings from bursting into our lives is that we dont want them. 6. When they were flunked, like the children of Israel managed to do with God the Father on the Promised Land issue, they completely lost the divine destinies that God had originally set up for all of them to walk into. After a cousin of mine passed away, everyone could see how hard her grandchildren took, and so I spoke with them about their grief. Its selfless, sacrificial, and powerful when both partners can lay down their life for their family. And one of the key areas in which God will arrange for a test to come your way in this life will be when you are getting ready to walk into the heart of your true calling for Him. Each sign is backed up by Scripture, which is timeless God's word that never expires. We have another article in our site titled Obedience to the Lord.. This is why these tests should be taken very, very seriously if you ever happen to have one of them come your way right as you are waiting for your big breakthrough to occur with the Lord in the calling that He has personally set up for your life. God may be tempering your faith with the trials of life to ensure its strong enough for the next flight of faith or spiritual breakthrough. The reason being is that He may want to test your resolve to stay out of any type of serious sin. Feel free to email me with any questions or comments at In the kind of world we now live in, this test will actually be hard for many to pass. Ever since I fell back into the sin everything has spiralled slowly worse in my life. 21. Marriage involves forgiveness and opening up your heart when you feel like crying. You always want to please God in all that you do. However, I learned five things: 1) He listens to my (everybody) prayers 2) He tests us(me) in areas of weakness. I can do all thingsthrough him who strengthens me.. You become disappointed and may even get angry at Him for it. However, as a result of these other 10 spies coming back with this bad report, this kindled the anger of God and caused Him to then pronounce a very severe judgment on all of them. Take your time and submit to Gods healing process. 15. And God may let you get married well after your 20s have passed. 1. I recently had the test of "Faith and Belief" where I had to make a decision to remain in one place for my career or move to another in my career. God may be pushing you out of or into a situation for your own benefit. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. If you do, then God will continue to bring you up higher in your divine destiny with Him. I told my daughter that my body was shutting down,that's how bad I was feeling. Signs God is Preparing You for a Breakthrough If you want to know if you are close enough to your breakthrough, you can read the following signs if God is already preparing you for it. What He does in our lives may not always feel better, but we know that God doesnt make mistakes. I say, Yes! He is a God whom we can trust because only He can see around the blind corners of time. Ironically, the very things we see as obstacles to our breakthroughs are often Gods hidden gateways to those breakthroughs. Your desire to keep God at the center will allow you to gravitate to someone with that same desire. But the point to get is that God may actually arrange for a test to occur to test your actual allegiance and obedience to Him. The Bible is where you'll find your blueprint. The Obedience Test. You feel led to list and then pray for certain qualities in a spouse. I gave into the fear. 7 Causes of Pride: How to be More Humble! If God is giving you a greater hunger for the Word of God, and its like you cant get enough of it, He may be pushing you into some sort of teaching ministry. Desperation is a sign that your breakthrough is near. 5 Things that Will Happen in Your Life When Satan Is Attacking You, 10 Things You Will Notice If You Carry Gods Presence. It was crucial but I didn't tell anyone,because my appointment was that morning. Youre not afraid of facing your fears. You can rise up over your mountains of difficulty, opposition, and hindrance. Flunk this test and you will either lose the call all together, or you will cause a major delay to occur as to when you will be actually released to move into that calling. An idol is anyone or anything that we put before God. You obey God's leading. 1. Your Soul These 3 sources are what defines your dreams. He said they would all wander in the desert for the next 40 years where they would then all eventually die out there. The correction might come in the form of a job loss, a pay cut, or some unforeseen circumstances that nearly breaks your bank, however God isnt going to leave you or forsake you (Heb 13:5), but He does discipline every son or daughter He loves (Heb 12:6). Well youre not alone, we all have generational patterns that we have adopted from our guardians. But take heart and know that God is accomplishing things through your trial that you cant even see. The second area in which God might put us to the test is our faith; he wants to know how much we trust and believe in him. "As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Below are the 12 signs that will show God is testing you for something better in your life or a greater season if you pass the test. This type of test could occur to some of you right before your big breakthrough with the Lord. So here are 3 signs God might be preparing you for a major breakthrough that could be right around the corner. But in the end, we serve a God who has overcome the world, and before you know it, your miracle comes and breakthrough happens. Gideon asks for three specific signs, and God completes e. They have no other choice but to just sit and wait for God to move to part the Red Sea. Forthis light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison,as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen.. God's throne is a throne of grace ( Hebrews 4:16 ). In your powerful name, I offer my prayer for breakthrough. Release God's Power!Experience the Benefits of Praying in Tongues book. It is during these periods that you will begin to come into contact with people or situations that are likely to make you feel downhearted or defeated. 5. When a friend of mine said he was praying for patience, I thought, Uh ohwonder whats next? Sure enough, the man had a rough couple of weeks, but after the brief chaos was over in his life, I asked him, Do you have more patience now? He laughedand said, Yes. When we see trials as a means that God uses to refine us like gold passing through the fire, our perspective will change, and we can learn to be content, which is what Paul had to do. Turn your face towards me and give me peace. I prayed and prayed throughout the exam, and learned just how weak I really am. That was why God had to specifically test Him on this issue, to see if He would fall and commit at least one sin. Can we learn to praise Him in the storm, in the uncertain future, and when were being pushed outside of our comfort zone? Test Of Faith/Trust. Finally water baptised and spirit-filled. Submitting to God will help you to be a submissive spouse that isnt controlling and demanding. And anything else that he uses to bind you up in the spirit! You are content and peaceful being single. In our article titled, Trials and Tribulations the Testing of Your Faith, we gave you all of the major verses from the Bible showing you that now only will God allow a certain amount of trials and tribulations to come our way in this life, but that He will also use some of these trials as a way of actually testing all of us out from time to time. The reason God tested His Son Jesus with this temptation test was because He had to see if Jesus would have fallen for any of these specific temptations by the devil. Many couples think their issues fade away when theyre high on love, but eventually everyone comes crashing down and the crash can be emotionally devastating. You feel led to list and then pray for certain qualities in a spouse. There is no place better to be than in the arms of the Father when you're going through seasons of testing. And if He wanted to test Him, why this kind of a specific test? There will be hard moments in life which will be hard to endure in marriage, but with God in both of your hearts you will withstand. He will show you exactly what will be awaiting you on the other side once you cross over into your true calling for Him. I've prayed for Him to tell me clear too. Most of you have heard of this test. 8. As 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 explains: So we do not lose heart. You are learning to submit to God when its hard rather than take things into your own hands! I have not come to call the righteousbut sinnersto repentance. Ephesians 2:8-9 also states, Forby grace you have been savedthrough faith. I wrote this testimony for all the brothers and sisters who are now in suffering, anxiety and even desperation, I want you to remember that Our God gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things . Pass this test and you will be finally promoted into Gods best for your life. It's completely free - my gift to you. You are being taught by God to handle relational issues and conflict with friends, family, co-workers, and the opposite sex. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even asI have been fully known.. God often delays the breakthrough because through the delay he is preparing you for the breakthrough. 10 of the spies come back with a bad report. Dreams from Satan are oppressive, frustrating, dehumanizing, antagonizing, defaming and defiling. Instead, He waited to raise him from the dead when he was already in his grave. Right after Jesus gets baptized with the Holy Spirit in the Jordan River, God does something rather strange with Jesus. You'll stop receiving conviction for your sins, you will feel constant horror about your future, no peace and comfort, no guidance, and when you pray to Him He will answer, "Sorry." After years of this you will eventually make mistake. Supernatural visions Sometimes, as you pray, God can give you a vision of victory. As Jesus said in Luke 6:32, I have not come to call the righteousbut sinnersto repentance. Ephesians 2:8-9 also states, Forby grace you have been savedthrough faith. Another area where God can put us to the test is our patience and endurance. Related Article: 5 Ways To Avoid Unhealthy Romantic Expectations. I prayed to be able to get to the door. Stay put right where God currently has you at, and force yourself to wait until that door either opens up for you to walk through, or God tells you to do something different. 3. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is thatbears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.. In breakthrough mode you are ministering out of the overflow of Christ's life in you. 1. 5. I have not heard the Lord speak to me in the past year. God wants you to feel content whether you get a spouse or not. Required fields are marked *, This div height required for enabling the sticky sidebar, Copyright at 2023. The calling of God marks you for the rest of your life. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This was a hard read but encouraging at the same time. When God corrects you, He also directs you, and directs you into something better. You are not seeking a partner to fill your needs and expectations. You have a burning hunger and passion for God. As Jesus said in Luke 6:32. Pursuing your purpose and shining brightly has become a non negotiable for you. God has been helping you to heal from unhealthy generational patterns. They prepped me for that Monday for surgery. Delayed Answers To Prayers. My son rushed me to the hospital,and they wanted to keep me for test, I checked out again. He promises them that the exact blessing they want will always come if they just have enough faith. If you cant be in relationship with God itll be hard with another. Also, do not neglect the Word of God. 2. After my baptism about over a year ago I was great. You will come to realize that a Godly relationship consists of two people that are devoted with God. These types of tests can also be brought your way by the Lord at any time during your lifes journey with Him. We can't go into our new season with the practices from our previous season. I feel that he has a big purpose in my life but I just can't grasp what it is. One wrong move, or one move made at the wrong time could cause your whole call in God to completely unravel and fall apart. Read 33 more signs in theAre You Ready to Get Married? God doesn't try to grow seeds in soil that is not good. God asked Abraham to put his son Isaac on an altar and then asked him to take a knife and kill his own son. But often the attacks of spiritual forces against our lives raises the intensity to even greater degree than normal day to day struggles. Test Of Patience. The Promised Land is in the other side, but there is no way they can reach it unless God first parts the Red Sea. If by chance this kind of a test ever comes your way take it very, very seriously, as there may not be any second chances for you if you flunk this kind of a test. God put the burden on your heart to inquire, so that he could start giving you revelation to get prepared for your Godly spouse! . If Youre Physically Unattractive, Does God Want You Single? You are learning to trust God rather getting your own way with toxic self-protection strategies manipulation, blame shifting, gaslighting, control, lying, mind games, etc. If we lack reverence for God, it shows up in the way we live and in the way we pray. Jesus could have come and healed Lazarus when he was still alive. 33 Signs You're Not Ready For Marriage You feel alone and unhappy without your partner No one in your life can give you constructive criticism about your relationship Insecurity and fear stop you from being your authentic self You aren't able to see your partner's weaknesses You think their red flags aren't a big deal When you begin as a new children's ministry leader, here are some places to focus. Answer (1 of 52): When He takes the Holy Spirit away from you. 4. That Sunday I was sitting in Church services and the pains started hitting me so severe. However, in this write-up, we will only consider these22 signs you are marked by God. Trying to go against it takes effort. Besides the above 4 types of tests, there could be other types of tests. However, since Joshua and Caleb had a different spirit about them and fully believed that God could take out all of these giants and strongholds, He tells them that both of them and all of the people under 20 years of age would be the ones who would be allowed to enter into the Promised Land all because they had enough courage, faith, and belief in the Lord that He could give them the victories once they had crossed over and started to possess parts of the land that He wanted them to have for themselves. We know that Gospel story as "the widow's mite". In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty andhunger, abundance andneed. My son had come to transport me to the doctor. They had just seen God miraculously deliver them from the Egyptian rule, so they knew God would have no problems in taking out the giants and strongholds they saw in this Promised Land. People will always have negative things to say and if youre not confident theyll hurt you. If you look around your life and see that there are things you are trying to do unsuccessfully, it is time to ask God to lead you to the new thing He is doing in your life. You run into so many roadblocks that it's almost comical. 1. Though our outer self. If God Is Removing Harmful People, Places, and Things from Your Life, This Could Be in Preparation for a Breakthrough God doesn't build on uneven ground. One of the signs that envy is in your heart and needs to be eliminated is that you constantly use this phrase: "It's not fair.". And you have a desire to show every quality of biblical love. Anyways, I just commented this because this is me right now, the last 12months and a half of dark times I've had. 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